DC deserves to be a safe city for all residents. Help us get there.
Police primarily make arrests on misdemeanors and drug offenses, rather than working to reduce violence. Worse, arrests are overwhelmingly racially biased. More than 90% of all arrests in DC (not made at political demonstrations) are of black people, but population is less than half black. We can do better.
Mayor Bowser is pushing for changes that will only make DC's policing problems worse, punishing returning citizens, curtailing the civil rights of Ward 7 and 8 residents, and using money for more policing where jobs and services are needed most. We need you to help us advocate for working, alternative policies.
Stop Police Terror Project DC is an organization in the Washington D.C. area committed to changing the system of racist, militarized policing in our region. We work to oppose police abuses and also to build community-led peacekeeping efforts to empower oppressed communities to deal with their own security concerns.
No More Stop-and-Frisk
Stop-and-frisk happens everyday in DC. It’s racist, doesn’t keep people safe, and doesn’t work.